Sonntag, 31. März 2013

13th week - the gold-digger

After having been sick last week, I got sick again this week (I know, it's getting a little rediculous ;-)...), BUT was well enough at times to do yoga! And, Oh boy!, how wonderful it was!!!

Do you know the feeling, when you do something you love and every action in it feels like eating the best chocolatecake you've ever tasted? That's how my yoga practice felt this week! Just a big fat yummy! I just LOVED to move my body and bend it and strengthen it - and of course, I was thinking about how to recreate this feeling in yoga or any other situation in life. And also, what do I tell people, so they can experience yoga like this?

And here's what I've come up with:
In life or in yoga, when we savour something, our senses are in it. How does it feel, when I touch my hands to the yoga mat? What does this dish smell like? How does it make me feel inside, when I listen to that piece of music?
And I think, we have to be in a safe spot! Nobody can enjoy a great sunset, when feeling insecure or pressurised. Off the mat, my safe spot would be my home - you sure have yours, too! ;-) On the mat it's crucial to have a teacher whom we can trust! And as a yoga teacher, we want to create a safe environment for our students (clear language, everybody does everything at the same time, connect to each student,...) - so they can come to our class and go digging for their own yoga-gold! Or was it chocolate? ;-)

PS: Mr. Iyengar suggested for me to repeat the poses of week 11 - so no new pics! BUT there's going to be a lot of new poses next week - yay! :-)

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